September 14, 2012

  • Fleamarkets & Estate Sales

    This past Sat.  Cody was trying to finish up his community service, Fred was taking Caleb and my nephew Brady to their Hunters Safety class, and Cecilia had went with Novalee and her family for the day to the Downing Appreciation Days, so Chancy and I spent all morning together and a good part of the early afternoon, going to a local fleamarket that is the 2nd weekend of each month and to a local estate Auction.  At the flea market I spent $12 on myself...bought three things


    nothing I needed but some things I liked!  blue pottery bowl $6, old blue transferware plate $2  cute little winter christmas decoration $4

    I spent $45 for Hubby! 


    $40 for a dead sign for our road, and $5  for the spreader!

    Chancy spent $100

     on a pair of chaps for bareback riding ;-( 

     ........oh to be young. 

    after that we went to the Estate sale.

    Chancy bought a bunch of very long drill bits

    of some sort that Fred was wanting  for $7

    and I bid on a few things but everything I was interested in was going high.  So I told a friend of mine who is an antique dealer in Memphis MO that I was going home but there was a cute little old pottery bowl with a red stripe around it and a few little red stars on it that I would like to have.  I told her what I would be willing to spend and she said she would bid on it for me.  I also pointed out a blue pottery bowl that I was interested in. When I told her what I would spend on it, she laughed and said you will not get it.  She was right it went for almost 3 times what I was willing to pay.    She did get the other bowl along with a few other things they put in a lot for less then half what I had been willing to pay!   

     I was very happy

    It was a good day!  With good deals and lots of quality time with my Chancy!

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