
  • Fleamarkets & Estate Sales

    This past Sat.  Cody was trying to finish up his community service, Fred was taking Caleb and my nephew Brady to their Hunters Safety class, and Cecilia had went with Novalee and her family for the day to the Downing Appreciation Days, so Chancy and I spent all morning together and a good part of the early afternoon, going to a local fleamarket that is the 2nd weekend of each month and to a local estate Auction.  At the flea market I spent $12 on myself...bought three things


    nothing I needed but some things I liked!  blue pottery bowl $6, old blue transferware plate $2  cute little winter christmas decoration $4

    I spent $45 for Hubby! 


    $40 for a dead sign for our road, and $5  for the spreader!

    Chancy spent $100

     on a pair of chaps for bareback riding ;-( 

     ........oh to be young. 

    after that we went to the Estate sale.

    Chancy bought a bunch of very long drill bits

    of some sort that Fred was wanting  for $7

    and I bid on a few things but everything I was interested in was going high.  So I told a friend of mine who is an antique dealer in Memphis MO that I was going home but there was a cute little old pottery bowl with a red stripe around it and a few little red stars on it that I would like to have.  I told her what I would be willing to spend and she said she would bid on it for me.  I also pointed out a blue pottery bowl that I was interested in. When I told her what I would spend on it, she laughed and said you will not get it.  She was right it went for almost 3 times what I was willing to pay.    She did get the other bowl along with a few other things they put in a lot for less then half what I had been willing to pay!   

     I was very happy

    It was a good day!  With good deals and lots of quality time with my Chancy!

  • labor day blahs

    what do we do on labor day? 

    It looks like most of my children think we sleep.  

    cody sleeping chancy asleep celia sleeping

    Fred had to work today   

     I am baking cookies in anticipation of a possible softball game

    cookie dough cookie

     this evening with anyone from the church who can come.

    Caleb decided to play monopoly by his self.

    caleb monopoly


  • Bridal Shower

    We  had a little bridal shower for a gal from church, Michelle Burkholder, 
    who is marrying a guy from Nebraska David Ulrich.
       It was a joint effort.
      Some ladies made food, 
    Dorcas planned the games and Menu,
     Mom had devotions, 
    I was in charge of decorating, 
    Novalee provided the place and helped me set up!
    I was told she liked Chalk boards......
    I had Dad cut me out a bunch of wooden letter U's
    I decorated on the top and front of Novalee's old player piano
     that sits in their basement and on an old wooden table
    Since I had made Michelle's wedding invitations
     i knew the colors were silver, purple & black
    we used purple asters on the table 
    and battery operated tea lights in buckets of coffee beans
    I think she is a coffee girl!!
    We used an old garden arbor silk flowers and vines 
    borrowed from my Aunt Jean 
    and some cute little lights I purchased at Hobby Lobby
    these little buckets were later filled with kisses 
    wrapped in silver and purple paper
    These nifty monogrammed napkins were a real steal 
    I picked them up at Old Tyme Pottery in Foley Alabama 
    for 50 cents a pack!
    my cousin Beverly (in law) made these
     cute purple and black cupcakes!
    The bride to be with her mother to her left
  • Mini Zimmerman Reunion

     the first weekend of August we had a spur of the moment Zimmerman reunion.  For the most part it was the ones from Iowa & Missouri who came.  So we averaged in the high 60's as to how many were there for meals.  We had earlier tried to plan a big family reunion at a campground, but alas it kept not working out... so we just had a get together during the day on Saturday and again Sunday with 2 meals served each day.

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    On Saturday we met at the Lacey State Park Lodge in Keosauqua Iowa about a half hour north of where we live.  It was a very nice facility and only cost $75 for the day...I meant to take pics from the other two sides but never got it done.  Most of the other two sides had a huge wrap around porch that had a roof over it.



    My cousin Brandon's little gals surveying the drink options along with Novalee's Kaitlin & Abigail in the back


    Mom & Aunt Miriam washing dishes

    the kitchen was not real big but was adequate for our needs.  The men had barbequed

    chicken outside.  Everyone brought a dish or two to share and drinks.  We all had plenty to eat


    My cousin Charlotte's Anita and my sister Novalee's Abigail, 2 peas in a pod, same skin tone but hair as different as can be except for the curls!


    Here is Aunt Sandy with two of her grandchildren, Bertha's Maddy, and Clinton's Mitchell


    Here is Novalee's Husband Darin, man in yellow shirt, with my twins in red shirts, my cousin Wendell in Navy blue shirt,back on either side of Cody is my cousin Bethany's two boys, Colby & Ryan, and last but not least are Novalee's two boys Brady & Sawyer

    Early in the day lots of the children and adults took hikes around on the trails looking for a way to get down to the Des Moine River. It was a lovely day.


    some of the older men sat on the porch at the picnic tables

    left to right

    Uncle Fred, my dad Ray & Uncle Shannon


    Oscar was very involved in a Honduras soccer game

    There was lots of card games played and some of us put together puzzles.


    Cody, Fred, Uncle Leonard & Darin


    Bethany's Lizzie, Cecilia, Kaitlin, and Chancy


    my cousin Treston, Cousin Clinton, Cousin Bertha's Husband Shelton with baby Wyatt and cousin Wendell.

    there was lots of visiting

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    and playing


    cousin Brandon's Serena


    Cousin Charlotte's Anita, Mikaylia & Adam


  • Pantry

    At the end of June, right before we left on our summer trip, we had a home invasion.  I don't know what else to call it.  We were suddenly invaded with two horrible pests.....mice and fleas.  I am not sure where the mice came from in the middle of the summer.  I am thinking a nest had hatched and they were suddenly large enough to run everywhere.  YUCK YUCK YUCK  I dislike mice.  So we set traps everywhere, and put out poison. About that same time we noticed a few fleas in the house.  We have a mini schnauzer. She is frequently in the house.  We had been putting Frontline on  her, but it seemed to lose its working power.  So we banished here from the house.  She had already infested us apparently.  So the night we left, I put off flea bombs (8 or so) Then we left on our trip. 
    problem #1 was that we should have put off one in each room
    problem #2 was that the house was setting closed up tight 
    and we were having 100+ temps that week.
    needless to say our hot house acted like an incubator.
    Ever since I have gotten home I have been fighting fleas.  The morning after I got home we set off 15 flea bombs. I washed carpets, sprayed flea spray in certain spots, spread flea powder, washed all the floors with lemon scented pine-sol......I think I have gotten ahead of them.  Every once in a while we see one and we spray that area real good.
    When we got home the mice seemed to be gone.  Yay!!  But the had wrecked havoc in my pantry.  So yesterday Cecilia and I took everything out of the pantry.  We scrubbed all the shelves, washed and dried the lids to all of the modular mates, scrubbed every can, jar or box, and washed the floor.  It was ALOT of work but looks so much better!!!

  • entryway remodeling process

    still working on the entryway...here is what I have so far. It's lacking something on the wall and pulls on the dresser. Not sure I like the color of the dresser. It looks rather orange in real life instead of the red it should be. Im open to ideas and suggestions especially for the wall, and any other suggestions would be helpful

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  • entrway update #2

    as you can see from the previous post I am still working on the new entryway.....almost done with the painting, hoping to get the floor done on Saturday!



  • Bible School

    This year for Bible School we chose to use some material from the Institute in Basic Life Principles Character Sketch.     We chose 5 animals from the one book and are doing a  different character study each night.   Ann Yoder fixed a nice scene in the front of the church for the children using the animals we are discussing.



    here is the mouse





    the alligator








    Chancy is in charge of games and several

     of the youth boys are helping him


    some of the ladies who were there chatting


    some of the children snacking


    the younger class coloring


    the younger classes room

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    playing games

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    the middle class


    Tyler & Cody ....observing!



    Ann, Elycia & Erica recently worked on the flower beds at church

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    So if you are in ourneck of the woods ...

    come on over!

  • New Entryway

    When we moved into our house, at the front of the house there was a Walk -in-pantry just off of the kitchen.  When we added on in the back we added the new kichen and a walk in pantry.  The old pantry was no longer used.  So we have this space/closet, off the front of the living room that was unused.   We also had no "front" door. So everyone always came in the back door where my family throws off  their shoes and such. 

    Since we finally added on to our deck, wrapping around the front of the house,  we had a place to put a front entrance.  We decided to make that walk-in-pantry into an entry way.  So here is what we are doing.










     As you can see none of it is done.......it's a work in progress!